Looking for a thoughtful way to care for college students? check out these 25 college care package ideas that are sure to brighten their day!

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I am currently a college student and it literally feels overwhelming! Juggling work, friends, and homework is definitely not easy. especially during the finals with the amount of testing you have to do you almost feel like giving up. Luckily for me, my loved ones back home surprise me every few months with my favorite treats which keeps me motivated to keep going!
They sent me things such as food, college essentials, and my favorite sweets which are all very helpful during the stressful times of college. College care package ideas don’t necessarily have to be expensive! you can go to your local Walmart and put together something nice and send it! I have gathered 25 of the most thoughtful college care package ideas that will not break the bank! without further ado let’s begin!
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1. We believe in you

I love how thoughtful this care package idea is! If there is one thing college kids are lacking it’s motivation and sending them a reminder that says you are halfway there will definitely encourage them to keep going!
2. simple truth organic food

As a college student, I know how horrible their diets are! sending them a care package full of organic food will definitely help them stay healthy in the long run! fill this care package idea with food such as granola bars, trail bites, oatmeal, and turmeric and you’re good to go!
3. just add water

College can be a hectic place sometimes you barely have time to eat! sending them a care package full of microwave meals is very useful for their busy schedule! If they have back-to-back classes throughout the day this is a good care package idea to send them!
4. candies & school supplies

Candies and school supplies are never a bad idea for college students! With the number of notes they must take with lectures, lab, and PowerPoint, school supplies are always helpful! throw in their favorite sweets such as kit-kat, granola bar, and popcorn and you’re all set!
5. box of sunshine

How adorable is this care package idea? it’s filled with bright yellow stuff such as potato chips, M&M, and cute minions! If they are having a bad day this will certainly make it better!
6. period care package

This care package idea is filled with period care stuff! it contains pads and a variety of sweets to help with their craving! If you have a bestie who is in college this is a thoughtful care package idea to send them!
7. everything orange

If you want to get a bit creative go with this one! Buy everything in orange such as goldfish, Sunkist, and pringle, and add a cute note at the top! A few of my favorites are I love you and can’t wait to see you again!
8. believe in yourself

Here is another care package idea to encourage them on their college journey! fill this care package idea with their favorite treats such as Twix, crunch, and Skittles, and write them a cute note saying believe in yourself! this is a sweet way to motivate them!
9. Happy finals week

You can send this care package idea toward the final weeks! first, decorate the four outer layers with words of encouragement and fill the box with stress balls, chocolate, and snacks for movie nights! I love how they added notes for each items!
10. something out of the blue

Sometimes getting things out of the ordinary is the best thing! put together a box full of blue goodies and surprise them with a cute note saying I miss you! This is a thoughtful care package idea to send to your boyfriend or girlfriend!
11. fill it with college-essential

This care package idea literally has everything a college student needs! pen and notebook for notes, medicine for when they’re sick, and even soap and shampoo for hygiene! If this is their first year at college consider sending this care package idea!
12. college survival kit

With everything college has to throw survival kits are definitely a must! fill this survival kit with water bottles, batteries, and a testing kit to practice test on! I would also add plenty of index cards to help with notes and memorization!
13. care-package for winter

If you’re looking for a winter care package idea go with this one! it’s filled with candles, mittens, and socks to keep themself warm! I would also add hot chocolate, tea, and coffee to help with the cold!
14. care package for guys

This care package idea is perfect for boys! it has all the necessary essentials and cute notes stating why they need them! I would also add a mask of their favorite superhero if they are Marvel fans!
15. Happy finals

How funny is this care package idea? the joke about the final along with the side notes on candies is just hilarious! If you’re looking to make them laugh this is the one to go with!
16. rub a dub-dub

hygiene products are never a bad idea in college! fill this care package idea with toothpaste, shampoo, and cute ducks to remind them they’re loved! add a picture of soap and a shower to showcase how important taking care of your body is!
17. I miss you

If you miss someone dearly go with this one! fill this care package with a variety of latte products and remind them they are missed! Drinking lattes will also give them a caffeine boost when studying!
18. care package for studying

Here is another care package idea that is perfect for studying! It’s filled with candies, study materials, and our childhood favorite fidget spinners! With all the studying you must do in college adding playful toys such as fidget spinners and yoyo is never a bad idea!
19. study buddies

If you’re worried about your kid’s health go with this one! it’s filled with food rich in nutrition such as sausages, cheese, and my favorite beef jerky! Personalize this care package idea with you’re artistic design and you’re good to do!
20. trick or treat

How creative is this care package idea? it’s filled with Halloween candies and the decoration around the care package is spooky and cute! If they are into Halloween surprise them with this care package idea!
21. gift card & photos

Here is another care package idea perfect for besties! grab a gift card from their favorite retail store and surprise them with a cute picture! I would also add a diary and an I love you note to remind them how much you love them!
22. you got this

How thoughtful is this care package idea? It’s filled with notebooks, plants, and a cute cup to drink coffee on! I love how all the items say you got this it’s definitely a thoughtful way to encourage them on their college journey!
23. I love you

If they are a foodie go with this one! it’s filled with a mixture of everything such as sweets, cereal, and my personal favorite instant noodles! Draw cute hearts around the care page idea along with a thoughtful message that says I love you and you’re good to go!
24. hand soap & lotion bar

No one has the time or money to be buying hand soaps in college. So, do your college student a favor and create a college care package with a few hand soaps, hand lotion, and a couple of bar soaps. I suggest you include at least two of each so they have a backup.
25. movie night care package

As a college student myself, I can tell you that we do not have a lot of free time. Mostly all of our “free” time is spent either doing homework or studying, which is not fun. Curate a care package with lots of sweet treats and snacks that your favorite college student can enjoy. Include things like chips, popcorn, Sour Patch Kids, nerds, cookies, and lots of games to play.
They’ll probably have only one or two days they can spend doing whatever they want so they will appreciate this very much!
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